Plateforme valaisanne d'échange autour des PROMs
This PROMs Incubator is a learning hub set up by Kanton Wallis to encourage an initial set of three hospital to share experience and learn together about best practices in the use of PROMs. The Incubator is set up for three years and the hospitals commit to share the lessons learned with a wider circle of healthcare institutions from Wallis at the end of the three years.
Conditions covered: Musculoskeletal ;
Organisation: 3 hospitals with pilot projects in Kanton Wallis
Status: Routined / institutionalized
Anthony Staines
June 12, 2023
Our product medidux™ is a patient-centered software application that enables patients to record their well-being and symptoms as well as vital signs and the intake of medications in a structured and standardized way (ePROs). In this way, medidux™ inspires communication between patients and their treatment teams.
Conditions covered: Oncology;
Organisation: mobile Health AG and partners in the healthcare system in CH and DE
Status: Preliminary results available and analysed
Mathis Brauchbar
June 27, 2023
Pilotprojekt zur Implementierung von Patient Reported Outcome Measures in der Schweiz Implementierung von PROMS bei älteren Patient/innen im Raum Zürich
The pilot project aims to (wanted to) carry out PRO-measurements systematically in the geriatric setting for elderly patients in the Zurich area across sectors (family practices, homecare (Spitex) as well as inpatient). The measurements are aimed at regularly recording and presenting the general physical and mental health of the patients during the course of treatment. The aim is to create added value for the patients themselves, their relatives/caregivers; for the treating professionals, and (in the medium term) for decision-makers in healthcare. The responsibility for data collection and information feedback/feed-forward would lie with the EQUAM Foundation and not with the service providers.
Conditions covered: Life-Course / General Quality of Life;Mental Health;
Organisation: mediX Zürich, Spitex Zürich, EQUAM Stiftung, Ecoplan, an unnamed Hospital, SPO
Status: Written concept
Joel Lehmann
September 5, 2023
Developing a EQ-5D-5L value set for Switzerland
The project's goal is to develop a Swiss value set for the EQ5D Quality of Life measurement, which is presently lacking. EQ-5D is the most widely used instrument to assess the quality of life for health economic evaluations and in PROMs-implementations in general. To date, no EQ-5D value set has been derived for Switzerland, and economic evaluations of healthcare interventions based on EQ-5D data have been made using German or French value sets. Based on the international experience, whether the German and French populations’ preferences over different EQ-5D health states represent the Swiss population’s preferences well is questionable.
Conditions covered: Any;
Organisation: Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Unisanté, BFH, University of Basel
Status: Written concept
Marc Höglinger
June 15, 2023
Patient Empowerment Initiative
Die Patient Empowerment Initiative möchte die Vergütungsstrukturen des stationären Tarifsystems an die Qualität der Behandlungen und dem Patientennutzen koppeln, um bestehende Anreize von Fehl- und Überversorgung aktiv zu bekämpfen und ein Incentive für hohe Indikations- und Outcomequalität zu setzen.
Sie folgt damit dem Ansatz von Value-based healthcare und versucht diesen hinsichtlich des an Qualitätswettbewerb orientiertem Tarifsystem in der Schweiz umzusetzen.
Ziel ist die Umsetzung einer dynamischen Baserate, welche Qualität und Behandlungsmengen berücksichtigt und somit eine Outcome Messung in der Vergütung mit einbezieht.
Conditions covered: Musculoskeletal ;
Organisation: KSW, USB, CSS, Swica (PwC)
Status: Early implementation (few users involved)
Paul Sailer
June 22, 2023
Value Based E-Health Patient Online Community
Conditions covered: Mental Health;Life-Course / General Quality of Life;
Organisation: FHNW, Hochschule für Wirtschaft / Reha Klinik Bellikon
Status: Early implementation (few users involved)
Olga Schibli
June 22, 2023
value-based care in type 2 diabetes management
To achieve our objectives we will be partnering with our network provider DELTA and experienced team of GPs to construct a novel diabetes management program. The program will put strong emphasis on patient motivation to achieve desired outcome and will be codesigned in collaboration with patient. Patient experience as well as desired health outcomes will be measures through CROMs, PROMs and PREMs that will also be used as an intervention tool. We have also partnered with HSG to help us conduct a scientific study.
Organisation: Groupe Mutuel, DELTA, HSG
Status: Written concept
Ksenia Tugay
June 27, 2023
Partnerschaft zu VBHC beim Lungenkarzinom
Conditions covered: Oncology;
Organisation: USB & Roche
Status: Preliminary results available and analysed
Jessica Thürmer
June 28, 2023
Pay for Patient Value
Pay for Patient Value aims at improving the quality of life for patients receiving a total hip replacement by incentivizing providers to deliver higher outcomes. We developed the first add-on payment for superior health outcomes after one post-operative year to be included in the reimbursement contracts in Switzerland.
Conditions covered: Musculoskeletal ;
Organisation: Groupe Mutuel, Hôpital de La Tour, Universitätsspital Basel
Status: Design, test, review
Claire Galesne
June 28, 2023
Patient Empowerment Initiative
Entwicklung eines Vergütungsmodells, welches Fehlanreizen der DRG-Fallpauschalen entgegenwirken soll, indem Qualitätskennzahlen als Grundlage des Vergütungsmechanismus dienen. Dadurch soll die Qualitätsmessung und -steigerung weiter in den Fokus rücken.
Conditions covered: Musculoskeletal ;
Organisation: KSW, CSS, SWICA, USB, PWC
Status: Early implementation (few users involved)
Annabell Müller
June 28, 2023
Pay for Patient Value
Entwicklung eines Vergütungsmodells, welches Fehlanreizen der DRG-Fallpauschalen entgegenwirken soll, indem Qualitätskennzahlen als Grundlage des Vergütungsmechanismus dienen. Dadurch soll die Qualitätsmessung und -steigerung weiter in den Fokus rücken.
Conditions covered: Musculoskeletal ;
Organisation: Hopital de La Tour, USB, Groupe Mutuel
Status: Early implementation (few users involved)
Annabell Müller
June 28, 2023
Carity is a toolset to support patients and care teams during cardiac rehabilitation after myocardial infarction or intervention. For Patient it is a mobile app and and a wearable. For HCPs it is a regular PDF report on patient adherence, designed to save time and help them to adjust rehabilitation targets and have a meaningful discussion with Patient, even when part of training is remote.
Conditions covered: Cardiometabolic;
Organisation: KSSG, USZ
Status: Preliminary results available and analysed
Aliaksei Tsitovich
June 27, 2023
VBHC Transformation @ Hôpital de La Tour
In 2019, Hôpital de La Tour launched a hospital-wide initiative to implement the VBHC framework (following Michael Porter and Elizabeth Olmsted Teisberg concept) to increase outcomes and quality for patients. Concretely, we have gradually adapted the hospital's organisational structure to build integrated and interprofessional practice units (IPUs) around areas of excellence. For each of these practice units, we started collecting and measuring outcomes reported by both clinicians and patients, integrating these outcomes in the strategic and operational discussions within the IPUs, looking at data over time and also starting to benchmark against best practices known from the scientific literature. In order to scale these actions to more IPUs and more patients, we quickly started building a digital ecosystem with a patient-facing interface, automated dashboards and a hospital-wide data structure.
Conditions covered: Cardiometabolic;Musculoskeletal ;Oncology;
Organisation: Hôpital de La Tour
Status: Preliminary results available and analysed
Florian Rossiaud-Fischer
June 29, 2023
Value-based contracting around atrial fibrillation
Value-based contract that monitors the clinical outcome as the reintervention rate to incentivise the supplier to help the provider to achieve excellent outcomes
Conditions covered: Cardiometabolic;
Organisation: Hôpital de La Tour, J&J, Lyfgen
Status: Routined / institutionalized
Florian Rossiaud-Fischer
June 29, 2023
Measuring Patient Value after Total Shoulder Arthroplasty
The objective of the study was to present a calculation method based on Michael Porter’s formula and standard references to estimate patient value delivered by total shoulder arthroplasty (TSA). We retrospectively reviewed the records of 116 consecutive TSAs performed between June 2015 and June 2019 where patient value was defined as quality of care divided by direct costs of surgery. Quality metrics included intra- and postoperative complications as well as weighted improvements in three different patient-reported outcome measures at a minimum of one-year follow-up and direct costs of surgery were retrieved from the management accounting analyses. Substantial clinical benefit (SCB) thresholds and the standard reimbursement system were used as references for quality and cost dimensions and a multivariable linear regression was performed to identify factors associated with patient delivered value.
Conditions covered: Musculoskeletal ;
Organisation: Hôpital de La Tour
Status: Preliminary results available and analysed
Florian Rossiaud-Fischer
June 29, 2023
we want to raise the quality of ambulatory therapy (start with Physio) in switzerland.
Conditions covered: Musculoskeletal ;Mental Health;Neurology;
Organisation: T-Physio GmbH
Status: applied in own practice, getting developed for further use
Simon Alexander Greiner
June 29, 2023
The Federal Quality Commission (FQC) of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) announced the funding of one or more pilot projects promoting the cross-sectoral use of PROMs sets as an integrated part of the care. Patients suffering from widespread medical conditions showing a heavy burden of disease and leading to a high cost of care e.g. chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are targeted in priority. As identified by the national strategy for cardiovascular diseases, stroke, and diabetes from 2017 to 2024, cardiovascular diseases require a high level of attention in terms of prevention, quality of care (including rehabilitation and aftercare), and patient involvement. To this end, internationally validated PROMs questionnaires will serve to monitor the quality of care through progresses in multidimensional aspects of patients’ health status as they perceive it, while fostering communication between patients and professionals. The medium-term goal of the FQC is to implement a systematic collection and use of PROMs for data-based, cross-sectoral, national, and local quality development in consultation with patients in Switzerland.
Conditions covered: Oncology;Cardiometabolic;Musculoskeletal ;
Organisation: BFH, MIDATA, Brigthfish, Inssel group, HUG, further clinics
Status: Early implementation (few users involved)
Serge Bignens
June 29, 2023
Cancer Coach – The integrative and hybrid concept for human-centred cancer treatment
The Cancer Coach innovates how people undergo cancer treatment and ensures the best possible experience for patients and their families. The Cancer Coach is the Patient Advocate and is a central point of contact for patients and their families throughout the entire complex outpatient cancer treatment process. The Cancer Coach makes patient and family care more proactive and individualized so that challenges can be identified early, treatment adherence can be increased, and treatment can be improved in the short, medium, and long term. At the same time, the new role significantly relieves the medical staff since administrative activities and emotional care, which do not require core medical competence, are taken over by the Cancer Coach.
Conditions covered: Oncology;Life-Course / General Quality of Life;
Organisation: Stadtspital Zürich and Novartis
Status: Early implementation (few users involved)
Carina Roost | uma collective GmbH
July 3, 2023
Pilotprojekt zu PROMS in der Hausarztpraxis
The project evaluated a low-cost approach to the integration of PROMs in family medicine practices. As part of a project funded by the Swiss Agency for Innovation Promotion (Innosuisse), a service was developed to collect data on health-related quality of life of patients in the outpatient setting, as a quality improvement measure. A prototype was designed and its implementation was tested in two pilot practices to determine whether the service can be used in practice in a pragmatic and beneficial way for patients and their GPs. Furthermore, a report was generated describing different ways of utilizing the data and generating value.
Conditions covered: Life-Course / General Quality of Life;
Organisation: EQUAM Stiftung, ZHAW, Pilatus Praxis (Luzern), Praxis Morillon (Bern), Innosuisse
Status: Completed InnoSuisse project
Joel Lehmann
September 4, 2023
Digital platform for Hypertensive Patient Reported Outcomes - HYPROM
The present project aims to implement patient-reported outcomes (PROMs) in an interprofessional
setting, using a digital bilingual (French and German) communication platform, called HYPROM, dedicated to hypertensive (HT) patients. The platform will be used to implement PROMs by ICHOM, linking three existing digital tools (i.e. MIDATA, DATAMAMA and eMediplan). HYPROM will be
developed iteratively by bringing together patients, healthcare providers and health informatics professionals. It will be used in a pilot study, assessing usability and adherence to HYPROM in 500 HT patients. Enrollment will be made through healthcare providers, regardless of the patient’s place on the care pathway (e.g. starting medication, long-term care, hospitalized, followed-up in primary care).
Conditions covered: Cardiometabolic;Life-Course / General Quality of Life;
Organisation: BIHAM, HEIG-VD, PharmaSuisse, EQUAM Stiftung and others
Status: Written concept
Joel Lehmann
September 4, 2023
medidux™ is a patient-centered software application that enables patients to record their well-being and symptoms as well as vital signs and the intake of medications in a structured and standardized way (ePROs). In this way, medidux™ inspires communication between patients and their treatment teams.
Conditions covered: Oncology
Organisation: mobile Health AG
Status: Preliminary results available and analysed
Contact Person: Mathis Brauchbar,
October 7, 2024
Carity is a toolset to support patients and care teams during cardiac rehabilitation after myocardial infarction or intervention. For Patient it is a mobile app and and a wearable. For HCPs it is a regular PDF report on patient adherence, designed to save time and help them to adjust rehabilitation targets and have a meaningful discussion with Patient, even when part of training is remote.
Conditions covered: Cardiometabolic
Organisation: KSSG, USZ
Status: Preliminary results available and analysed
Contact Person: Aliaksei Tsitovich,
October 30, 2024